Just another blog about music.

Rocking out to The Sleepers at RTR

Yes, I’ve joined the OVER-POPULATED world of blogging (finally). After a lot of nagging and hassling from my Media lecturers I’ve decided that it is about time I joined my fellow class mates and the rest of the world in the art of over sharing (haha! just kidding). And besides, they kind of have a point; blogging is one step closer to being published. Who knows who might actually stumble across this page and possibly think that it’s not half as bad as I think it is. But just as I decided that I was finally going to do this, trying to psyche myself up (starting a blog baby, starting a blog!) I realised I had no idea what I would write about. The internet is filled with blogs about anything and everything (yes, Monkeei is actually a cat. What do you mean cats can’t have their own blogs? Hmph!) What does that leave me with? Nothing much really. So I guess I’ll just stick to what I think I know best, music. I know you’re probably rolling your eyes thinking “Wow, how original!”, but come on, give me a chance. Music is universal, and quite frankly it’s the only thing in life that kind of makes sense to everyone. And it really wouldn’t hurt giving bands a platform of exposure, even if it’s “just another WordPress blog”. In Cape Town we have so many talented bands but most of them are underground because they don’t get enough exposure. These bands are constantly gigging but no one is willing to lift their butts from their comfortable couches to go and check them out. Why? Because you’ve never heard of them. We don’t want to make the effort to check out something new. We want to play it safe, it’s pathetic but it’s the truth. However, by bringing the bands to YOU it means you kind of have no excuse. You can check them out before actually going to a gig by reading reviews and having a look at their band pages. This blog will be focusing mainly on the local rock, metal (scream, growl, shred is NOT metal) and alternative scene and will be dedicated to giving you band reviews; gig reviews; gig guides; videos; pictures; tracks; links and all the rest that come with it! That’s the general idea, I can only hope that this will somehow play a part in getting people to go to gigs to check out the music for themselves. Watch this space 🙂