Jelly and Custard with Mr Thompson – 20th April, The Jolly Roger

Photographed by Leon van Eeden

With a name like Grassy Spark, drenched in intended pun and irony, it was not surprising that this band attracted so much attention in the southern suburbs. This was the band’s first gig yet it was evident that they had brought most of the crowd to the Jolly Roger on this Friday night. Considering the fact that Yunick (7th Son) and Josh (Wings of Aggression) were rocking on guitars and vocals it was a sealed deal that this would be a gig worth the while. Pumping bass lines, topped off with a brass section and synth keys Grassy Spark had the crowd on their feet and jumping to the Ska beats, gracing us with the familiar sounds of bands like Sublime. A pretty damn successful first gig, this band is worth keeping an eye out for.

Photographed by Leon van Eeden

Anton Syndrome known for their unique “afrock” sound took the tiny stage next. The new addition on vocals called for new material and very little of the old favourites, which was a tad bit disappointing to the fans, thus a new sound for Anton Syndrome, moving away from the grunge element that the previous vocalist, Mat, brought to the band. While it was not Anton Syndrome at their best who knows what this new venture and experimentation of sound might bring.

Photographed by Leon van Eeden

Finally Fingers In The Sky took the stage. The most unfortunate thing about playing a midnight slot is that people don’t stick around and often miss the best unknown acts; however this did not stop FITS from ending the show with a bang. A unique blend of harmonica based sounds and epic song writing, FITS paints a story with each song, taking you on a journey filled with lesbian vampires and dodgy characters like “Mr Thompson”. They started the set in good ol’ FITS fashion with the familiar “Jelly and Custard”, Andriques’ sing-scream vocals grabbing the attention of those who’d never been to a FITS gig before. Despite the minor technical difficulties, FITS had us all dancing and singing along. They ended their set on a high with “Spit and Run”, featuring the bassist Leigh on vocals and vocalist Andriques on bass. A night filled with good music and awesome vibes; these bands will definitely make it worth your while to check them out.